Success Stories

Skipper came to the VPRP family in October from The Animal foundation’s transfer list. He was hit by a car and had a fractured pelvis and dislocated tail. 😢 He came to a foster home where he healed after he got his tail amputated. His foster mom really tried to get him adopted and he met a lots of great families, but his foster mom just couldn’t let him go. 🥺😍 She wasn’t planning on having three dogs but Skipper is all worth it. She says that’s he’s is a special boy 💗🐾 What a happy ending for this once hopeless pup! ❤️

Willow was found at a Korean meat farm tied outside to a tree. It took her a long time to trust that humans wouldn’t hurt her but she’s now the best dog and loves her family! 🥰 She sleeps in the bed, goes for car rides, and shreds toys with her foster fur brother!! #destroyer 🤣 She also loves going to her grandmas and running around with the horses! She is a Shiba Inu/Jindo/Shepherd mix 🐶 Scroll ➡️ to see her before pictures! The transformation is amazing! 😍

This little one is still in foster care today, but we had to show off his amazing progress from day 1! On day 9 of this little one’s life his foster noticed something off about his chest. Turns out he has Pectus Excavatum, a condition where his sternum curves in causing a flat chest. Specialists have recommended a surgery once he is strong enough to try and correct this however it is very dangerous and expensive. But of course we are here to back Shook up if he is ready to fight. We’re not sure where Shook’s path will lead him yet, but we know he is happy as can be and never misses a beat with the other fosters around. 💝

Callie was the victim of a backyard breeder. After being confiscated by Animal Control, she was taken to the local shelter. After languishing for quite some time at the shelter, VPRP stepped in and saved this sweet girl's life. ❤️ She was not in good shape when VPRP finally got her out of the shelter. She had multiple health issues, including severe untreated and painful Entropian (when the eyelids are inverted which causes the eyelashes to scrape the eyeballs everytime the dog blinks). 😢 VPRP immediately sent her to the vet for treatment of her Entropian and other health issues. The vet estimated that she had had over 10 litters of puppies in her short 3 years of life, poor girl! After 3 eye surgeries and multiple other treatments, she went to live with a VPRP foster. Through no fault of her own, she lost her foster home after just a few short weeks. With nowhere else to go, our rescue partner, Camp Bow Wow Summerlin, stepped up and donated kennel space to her and they fostered her for 6 weeks on behalf of VPRP. 🐾 While at Camp, Callie was able to socialize with other dogs in their playards, all day every day! After 6 weeks at Camp Bow Wow Summerlin, Callie went to a potential adopter's home. The potential adoption did not go well and VPRP stepped in again and Callie was returned to Camp Bow Wow Summerlin. During her 2nd stay at Camp, the owner of Camp Bow Wow Summerlin fell in love with Callie and decided he couldn't let her get away again and he ended adopting her!! 😍 Callie now lives in a beautiful home surrounded by children and other dogs. And of course she loves coming to Camp several times a week to play with all her doggie friends!!! 🥰😻 What a happy ending for this girl! ❤️

Anya is a sweet Korean Jindo/Husky mix who was rescued along with her siblings from a meat farm. She arrived in the U.S. along with her sister Angel and brother Atlas in August of 2019 to join their other sister Aspen, who arrived a month prior. When Anya arrived, she was so scared that she ran away from the volunteers who picked her up from the airport, and she was hit by a bus. The volunteers rushed her to the animal hospital, and even though it seemed like all hope was lost, she fought to survive. The vets even recommended putting her down. She was adopted by the same family who adopted her sister Aspen a month prior. Now she’s a happy, spoiled pup who loves to play with sister and adopted siblings!

Bailey was rescued from our local shelter on St. Patrick’s Day of last year. He was on the transfer list due to elevated liver values with no apparent cause and unexplained weight loss; he was 45lbs when he was first picked up, just skin and bones. 💔 He also required a tail amputation from a “happy tail” he incurred from the shelter kennel, it was mangled and bloody. 😢 Bailey loved everyone in his foster home right away, even the kitties! He was always in the best of spirits even though he needed daily medications and multiple vet visits. His foster family couldn’t fathom giving him up, and now he’s living his best life, at a healthy but chonky 70lbs. What a happy ending for a once neglected pup 😍🥰